As part of our new science topic in 3V, we have been learning all about different forces. Last week, we looked at magnets and learnt how a magnetic field works. We used paperclips to show that, when certain metals enter a magnetic field, the magnetic force will draw them to the magnet. We loved watching the paperclips jump onto the magnets!
Then, we looked at how magnets are used in real life to sort different metals in a recycling centre. We watched a short video clip showing how a giant, revolving magnet collects the magnetic materials from the scrapyard.
Next, it was time for us to sort a scrapheap of our own: each table had a tray of mixed materials and needed to use their magnets to sort out the magnetic items from the non-magnetic items. Before we began, the children had to predict which items would be magnetic and which would not. Everyone agreed that metals are magnetic, but when we actually carried out the experiment, there were some surprises! Neither the aluminium foil nor the empty lemonade cans would stick to the magnets, despite being made of metal. The children concluded that not all metals are magnetic, despite their earlier assumptions.
Finally, (and following on from a class question) we had a sneak preview of the next lesson, when the children experimented to see whether the magnetic force would pass through different materials to hold a paperclip in place. The children were surprised to see the results!